Tuesday 15 November 2011


Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
-George Bernard Shaw

When I was in high school I was surrounded by a bunch of people who were accustomed to partying, drinking and using drugs(nothing serious though). Whenever they did this I would always assume that I would be the biggest success amongst them because I avoided the "opportunity" to screw things up. Man, was I an asswhole. Some people would try to get me to try it out but my answer was always the same, " I don't want to fuck up my life". I was always the guy who would never do something that I assumed would be prohibited e.g. I didn't want to drive unless it was legal for me to do so, I didn't want to go for parties because I assumed that alcohol would be present. I always wished that someday I would find the courage to do so because, as much as it was me watching out for my future, I hated being that way. Nothing fun or unpredictable ever happens when you're that guy.
Why do people in their youth do these things? Does it really help them in future? I came to a conclusion. They do so in order to find themselves. Well, not in any conscious way but subconsciously they are looking to know what sort of people they are.
When most people go to university, they are there for either one of three reasons;
  1. to get a successful job in future,
  2. to make money,
  3. to avoid reality for another four more years.
But there is a fourth reason. The fourth reason is to screw up. When I so callously toss out the phrase "screw up" I state it to refer to the fact that most people in university spend most of their free time partying, drinking, smoking and partaking (<this term makes the next seem so boring) in casual sex (I told you so) instead of doing what they actually went to university to do, studying.
Is there anything wrong with what they are doing? Depends on the situation. If you're underage and you go to an adults only party then yes, if you're a minor and you drink alcohol then yes, if you are smoking illegal substances then yes (not that I have anything against Mary Jane. Not that I can even see her clearly once I'm done blowing) and if the casual sex is not consensual then you should watch out for a prison sentence. However, when you do come out of that party filled with booze, weed and girls willing to put out, you will know who you are. God forbid, you might even be happy with who you are.
But maybe life isn't really about finding yourself rather than creating yourself. Maybe you might go to that party and decide that that isn't what you were in school for, that isn't who you want to be. When you are standing with the man in the mirror the following morning, you will either smile or frown. The reason as to either one of the reactions will be a decision. Do I want to be this guy for the rest of my life? If yes then Mary Jane will most likely be your new girlfriend and if no then toss Mary Jane for Mother Teresa (you know, without the "mother").
 I think I might hang out with Mary Jane for a while and decide whether or not I like her. Who knows? She might like the way I give head (haha, get it). It's all in the name of finding myself , right? Nah! I think I'd rather create myself. That way I'll become who I want to be, not who life wants me to be.

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