Saturday, 12 November 2011


If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.

-Benjamin Franklin

You may or may not have realised that for the past week I have been blogging on a daily basis. I have been doing so because I love writing and I'd like to get some of my work out there. It not only makes me feel accomplished but it also makes me feel anxious. Why do I feel anxious? I do so because I would like to know what the audience thinks of my work. It doesn't really matter to me whether they like it or not but it would be a great motivator if they were to give me a thumbs up.
Today, however, I have sat in front of the computer for minutes on end with not a clue as to what the topic would be. I always thought of my self as gifted in the field of writing. Since childhood I had never needed to plan what I would write about whenever we were to told to write a composition. Once I sat down the idea came to me. You know what they say, if you fail to plan, you plan to succeed-in a serendipic fashion(well, "they" don't say that but I do). So, why do I still write even though a reasonable topic may have evaded me? Is it because I simply want to complete my 10,000 hours or is it because of passion?
If it is passion that drives me then you do not have to worry about the content that is conatined within the blog but if I am looking to simply cover up my 10,000 hours then this is all about quantity rather than quality. If so, then you should move on to another blog.
This is my definition of passion- passion is the difference between Eminem and Gucci Mane, passion is the difference between Natalie Portman and Keanu Reeves. You can see where I'm getting at, don't you?

If you have a work instead of a job then everyday is a holiday.

My question to you today is this; do you do what you do because of passion or because you feel that you have to? If you are passionate about what you do then kudos to you but if you are doing it because you have to then quit your job and check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Passion; the difference between a happy man and a miserable man.
Go and get happy. No one likes a miserable person because you make everyone else miserable.