Wednesday 9 November 2011


Has anyone seen the Grey's Anatomy teaser on MNET Series? Well, if you have then good for you and if you haven't get you ass down on in front of the TV and spend longer periods of time there.
According to that teaser, we are who we are from birth, like genetics set in stone. That makes things unfair, doesn't it? What does that imply? It implies that you are what you are not because of your past experiences but because of the combination between mummy and daddy.
It explains a lot, however. One of the most explained things would be the difference between winners and losers. There is a blog titles "things we forget" ( which explains the theory clearly in  a single image.
If the teaser speaks of the truth then it would imply that the reason that one person would see a hurdle and the other a barrier is not because one chose to look at them that way but because of your genetic structure. That sucks. Well, it sucks if you are a loser because it means that you will be a loser for the rest of your life.
What effect does this have on destiny? According to the Oxford dictionary, destiny refers to what will happen to someone in future, especially things that they cannot change or avoid (point one for destiny). This in turn implies that destiny and genetics go hand in hand i.e. you will not have a hot girlfriend because genetics and destiny have conspired against you, you will be a billionaire because genetics and destiny have decided so.
It has been written in a book by Paulo Coelho ( that when you desire something, the universe conspires to help you get it. If Paulo Coelho is indeed as wise as he seems in the content of his works then this match is at a draw. Why is that so? Because as much as genetics and destiny conspire against you, the universe conspires in your favour. Then I guess the losers are all lucky. Maybe the next time you look at that image the universe will make you see a hurdle.
In the end it all boils down to how much you desire something. Even though your genetics say that you will never be assertive enough to stand up to that bully, maybe your desire will beat it down. Do not make this stop you for chasing after what you believe in. Go for goal and come back with glory.

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