Saturday 19 November 2011


Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.
-Douglas MacArthur

In 2010, I took a chess class. Chess was pretty fun to begin with and I got to be a really good player but when the chance came for me to prove to the world that my efforts were actually going somewhere, I backed down.
When I was 10, I took karate classes and they really helped get of my ass because I was such a lazy child but I quit because the teacher was too hard on us.
I had always loved to play piano but when I had the opportunity to better myself as a piano player I gave up.
What do all these things say about me? Well, the answer to that is pretty simple; Oscar Ruto is a quitter.
 Whenever I hear people quitting in a movie it pisses me off because as a story-teller I can pretty much assume that if they were to not quit the next scene would be a rather beautiful one. However, when I look at my life and pay attention to the fact that I'm a quitter, I just don't give a fuck.
In all those years of my life in which I have started things only to eventually dump them, I have never quit on one thing; writing. The reason that I have not quit writing is not because I think that I'm the best but because I think that I can get somewhere with this.
I started writing when I was 7. At that time I just looked at writing as a sweet escape from the boredom that was mediocre life. With my HB pencil in hand and leaf pad in view, I could turn a boring hour into an adventure through wonderland and narnia.
As time went on I dropped several other hobbies because they were a bother but I never quit writing. That might say one thing; that my future revolves around this miserable art or it just might say that it's my favourite hobby.
The thing about quitting is that it slowly eats away at your desire to persevere and move on with even the most mundane of things. Now I might think that I'm winning because I haven't quit writing but tomorrow all those years of quitting might make me view writing as a bother as well.
Quitting, just like smoking or drinking, can be an addiction and we all know how difficult it can be to break an addiction. Maybe you shouldn't put that shit down and stick with it until something marvelous is achieved from it.

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