Friday 18 November 2011


God may be subtle, but he isn't plain mean.
-Albert Einstein

What can I say on this topic? It's quite frightening to write about God knowing full well that any callously used phrase can be called blasphemous. Well, I'm a writer. My work isn't to please the audience but to make them think, right?
God; what can I say about Him? I think that it's pretty clear from the way I have punctuated the previous sentence that I believe in Him but it has not always been so. There were several points in my life that I assumed that I could do without him. Times when I was lost and expecting to be found but it never seemed to happen. Times when I thought that know one was with me in the darkness. But I was wrong. God was with me and it was He who brought me out of the abyss and into the eternal light(sounds a bit moronic. I know).
Why do most people believe in God? The answer is quite simple really; they fear the repercussion of having to admit otherwise or they have been raised to believe that not believing in Him will get them in the pits of hell. Are these really good reasons to believe in God? Believing in Him because of fear and not because of love and respect. Is it really better to be loved or to be feared?
When I lost faith in God it was because I did not understand a lot of the things that made Him who He was plus the bible had a lot of holes in it(it still does but that's beside the point). If God truly did care for us then why did He have to cause all the suffering for those who were faithful to Him. That wasn't really my reason but it served as a good excuse. I just stopped believing because I had got to a point in my life where I thought it served no purpose to do so. If things were going to get fucked up then lack of faith in God meant that the only one to blame was yourself. After years of doing so I joined His flock again. This does not imply that I'm one of those who goes around screaming that he/she is saved but I do have enough faith to call myself a believer.
So, why don't I go to church every other Sunday if I do believe. I don't do so because I don't think that going to church proves anything. Who am I kidding? I don't go to church because I like to party, I like it when my touch drives all the girls crazy and I liked to be tucked down with the radio on and the night belongs to me(mmmmh! Beyonce can work some magic). I spend my Saturday nights lost in the disco beats and spend Sunday mornings lost in the sheets. All play and no work made Jack a mere toy, made Hugh Hefner a playboy and made me less coy.
I have a leve faith that makes it right for me to say I believe in God but I do not have the level of faith that makes it right for me to say that the gates of heaven will open up before me. For all I know I might be stuck on middle ground.
The point is that we do not know what it means to believe in God until you quit for a while The lesson here is not that you should try it but rather you should avoid it. A world without a superior being to look up to is not a world worth living in.

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