Thursday 17 November 2011


Dear Karma,
How have you been? I don't think I need to tell you how things have been going for me because you most probably do know. I do hope that you've been okay though. Yeah, I care.
For the past few weeks I have felt that you've been on my case for almost every little thing. This bothers me because I need some room to breathe a little. I do understand that it is your job to get us for fucking up but why wouldn't you offer us some liniency?
Life may have fucked you over hence people referring to you ever so callously as a "bitch". When I think of you I remember the fat girl in class who did anything to get some attention, that girl who would have sold her soul for something better. Why don't you stop being that girl? I'd really appreciate it if you turned a blind eye on some of my indiscretions. I have fucked over more than once and I have paid for it ever so painfully. Sometimes knowing that I made a mistake would be punishment enough, don't you think?
It's not my place to tell the authority how to do its job but it is my place to tell the authority to stop screwing me so hard. It fucking hurts sometimes. Maybe what you need to do is to lube it up before cocking it(I hope you get the metaphor because it would be a waste of words if you didn't).
Karma, please stop being such a fucking bitch and try to be more of a fuck(able) bitch because no one likes you and maybe if you put out we'd be open to listening to your side of the story. Life can be hard when no one is on your side so just try to get someone to toss it like you do and maybe the world would be that much fairer to you.
Take a day or even a whole month off. I'm not saying that the world would be so much better but it would most definitely be a lot more peaceful. You are the gunshot that started a revolution. You certainly offered some people their freedom but in return they took freedom away from others.
Sometime without you would be good for everybody so please consider it. The fact that you are a bitch shouldn't make you a mongrel(I'm referring to the fact that mongrels are idiots). Make the smart move and look to finish the queen rather than ending the whole game. Stay down for a while and look at the world from wherever it is you reside.

Yours faithfully,
Oscar Ruto. 


  1. butterfly effect.
    p.s. embrace it :0)

  2. I'll think about that next time. Btw why aren't you posting anything?

  3. I'll be waiting. Are you from India?
