Saturday 10 December 2011


When you age know that the universe favours you.

-Oscar Ruto

Today is a special day. Judging from the fact that I used my own quote today it'd be safe to assume that it is my birthday. Well, assumptions do tend to be wrong and this situation is no different. Today is a birthday but it is not my birthday. On this day we celebrate (well, we don't really celebrate but you get the point) the birthday of a fellow blogger and cyber-mate (does such a word exist. If not then I have the rights to it), Meghan, yes, the friend I blogged about recently.
I stated in that blog post that Meghan and I became friends through facebook. If I do remember correctly she sent a friend request and I was at awe because I did not know who she was. Being the egotistical bastard that I am, I assumed that she fancied my profile picture. Who was I to decline the request of a woman whose profile picture was, and still is, equally if not more stunning? So I accepted.
What assumption did I make from that extra friend on facebook? Oh , she was bound to be just another friend that I never talked to or inboxed or had any interest whatsoever in. However, fate had another plan.
Coincidentally, that was the same time that I started taking blogging seriously. In order to expand interest in my blog I shared it to friends on facebook. Meghan was one of the few who actually read it and strangely enough she liked it. I got my first comment from her and she was one of my first followers.
At that same time she decided to put up a blog of her own and you can guess the rest from that point onwards.
Meghan, you have made me want to put up a post every single day. You have made writing a joy and I really do appreciate the fact that you took interest in my blog.
I DO HOPE YOU LIVE TO SEE ME WIN MY NOBEL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE (there I go. The battle with my ego rages on even on this day).


  1. Thank you love!
    you have made this birthday even more special than imagined. You are my confirmation for things I stand for. All the love and happiness in the world!!!
    p.s. sorry for the late response, been travelling. thought I did read it last night on my way back.
    hugs n kisses!

  2. I hope you had fun wherever you were and you're welcome.
