Saturday, 9 April 2011

Brain and heart.

A friend of mine once told me that it took true manhood to have a strong heart. He went ahead to state that it was better to have a heart than a brain. Due to my curious nature, I was forced to ask why that is so. Him, being the confident orator that he is, pointed out that when someone is brain dead, they were still alive because their hearts were still beating. Pretty reasonable, isn't it? However, as I begun to ponder on this mentality, I came to the conclusion that as much as he was right, he lacked the capacity to think that maybe it was more the mind that the "heart" that dealt with valiance and all other characteristics that would make people claim that one has a strong and pure heart.
This obvioulsy sounds superficial and is mostly biology than psychology. But what is psychology? This is the study of the human mind; exactly, mind and not heart......
This blog is incomplete and it shall only be complete once I can start up a good debate via my followers.